In line with the Regional Development Australia Charter, RDACC has continued its work to develop a strong, connected region that supports our economic growth and wellbeing by collaborating with a broad cross-section of local stakeholders and regional leaders.
A considerable focus of the RDA Central Coast committee and staff throughout this year has been on taking steps to address the critical housing shortage and affordability in our region.
Following the significant insights gained from the 2022 ‘State of Affordable Housing on the Central Coast’ report, Regional Development Australia was proud to partner with Pacific Link Housing this year to release an updated statement emphasising the continued and urgent need for accelerated efforts in the provision of affordable and key-worker housing.
The 2024 statement details a significant mismatch between the demand for affordable housing and the existing supply available for residents across the Coast falling into the affordable and key-worker income categories. This shortage, along with a long-standing undersupply of social housing in the area, has contributed to a 60% rise in homelessness over the past year based on the NSW Government’s Statewide Street Count, providing further evidence of a housing market in crisis.
The statement proposes six strategic actions targeted at national, state and local levels to mitigate the housing crisis effectively. It calls for increased collaboration and expedited measures to ensure that more affordable housing can be delivered swiftly and efficiently.
The report can be found here: State of Affordable Housing on the Central Coast Report
The Central Coast economy is set to almost double to an annual Gross Regional Product of $35B by 2040, driven by booming sectors like health, education, and advanced manufacturing. With rental vacancy rates between 0.6 per cent and 1.5 per cent, and a 36 per cent rise in median housing prices from 2018 to 2023, the demand for new housing is undeniable.
There is also a critical shortage of affordable housing for essential workers that are so critical to the health and growth of local communities.
To assist in responding to this regionally significant issue, RDACC Central Coast was pleased to partner in an initiative led by Business NSW Central Coast, to deliver the Central Coast Residential Development Guide.
The guide will provide developers with practical insights into high-priority areas such as Gosford, Tuggerah, Wyong, and Woy Woy, and showcase opportunities to integrate affordable housing, including transport-oriented development zones to unlock prime areas for sustainable housing to benefit residents and businesses alike.
The guide can be found here: Central Coast Residential Development Guide
RDACC also had the opportunity to host a visit to our region by the Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, The Hon. Kristy McBain, to discuss regionally significant projects.
The visit allowed Minister McBain to meet with various regional stakeholders and learn more about the projects and challenges shaping our community including enabling infrastructure, food innovation, affordable housing, healthcare and manufacturing.
RDACC has continued to deliver its core function throughout the period of leading collaboration between local leaders and all levels of government, business and community groups to support the economic development in our region, and directly support the successful implementation of the Australian Government's Regional Investment Framework (RIF), which will guide a more coordinated approach to regional development, underpinned by local engagement.
I also want to note that in October, after more than three years of dedicated service as Chair of Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC), Lawrie McKinna stepped down to focus on his newly elected role as Mayor of the Central Coast. Lawrie’s tenure has been marked by significant achievements that will leave a lasting impact on the region’s development.
During his time as Chair, Lawrie has been a passionate advocate for the Central Coast, fostering partnerships with all levels of government, business, and community groups. His leadership contributed to securing critical infrastructure projects, investment in key areas, and positioning the Central Coast as a region ready to compete on the world stage. Lawrie’s ability to connect with people, focus on community needs, and work tirelessly to create opportunities has been pivotal in his success at RDACC. His efforts have strengthened the region’s economic development and growth, ensuring the Central Coast is better equipped to harness its competitive advantages and attract vital investment.
As the new Chair of RDA Central Coast, I thank all RDACC Committee members and staff for the important role you play in creating an inclusive, vibrant and prosperous community here on the Central Coast. I look forward to continuing our work together as we create a region where people, businesses and investments thrive.
I wish all members of our community a safe, happy and healthy festive season and I look forward to continuing our work together in 2025 and beyond.
Merry Christmas!
Anna Cruckshank