Help Build the Workforce of Tomorrow


Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC) and the CSIRO are inviting industry leaders in construction, manufacturing, health and professional services to an initiative designed to help build our future local workforce. 

The Generation STEM Industry Engagement Workshop will be held on Thursday 31 March from 8am-10am in the RDACC Boardroom at the University of Newcastle’s Ourimbah Campus. 

RDACC Director Regional Projects, Funding & Research, Christine Artis, says the event is an opportunity for employers and industry leaders to collectively address the local challenges regarding STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) pathways, and their subsequent industry sectors. 

The Generation STEM initiative aims to attract, support, retain and train students in STEM and school, into further education and employment,” says Ms Artis. 

“The first program launched under Generation STEM is the STEM Community Partnerships Program (STEM CPP), where students participate in STEM inquiry based projects to address challenges faced by the local community and are connected to local STEM businesses, providing valuable insight into local STEM pathways. 

“This workshop provides an opportunity for local industry leaders to learn more about Generation STEM, discuss their ideas on local challenges and find out how their organisation can be involved in training and recruiting potential candidates in these critical skills shortage areas.” 

Opportunities to be involved include: mentoring teachers, hosting site visits, delivering a masterclass or providing work experience opportunities. The time commitment is flexible and there is no cost to participate. 

Generation STEM Industry Engagement Workshop 

Date: Thursday 31 March 2022 

Time: 8am to 9:30am (networking until 10am) [Type here] 

Location: RDACC Boardroom 

Business Incubator Building 

University of Newcastle Ourimbah Campus 

10 Chittaway Road, 

Ourimbah NSW 2250. 

RSVP: Please RSVP using this link or by emailing by Friday 25 March to confirm your attendance. 

If you are unable to attend, but would like to submit an idea for a local challenge, please contact Christine Artis via

Find out more about Generation STEM and the STEM Community Partnerships Program. Generation STEM is managed by the CSIRO and made possible by an endowment from the NSW Government to the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF).