Collaboration Critical for Regional Innovation


Director Regional Development and CEO for Regional Development Australia Central Coast (RDACC), John Mouland, has joined the Central Coast Innovation District Leadership Advisory Group, which met for its second time today.

Coordinated by the Greater Cities Commission, the Advisory Group focuses on strategic initiatives and collaborative leadership to support the Central Coast as a thriving innovation district.

Mr Mouland says he is pleased to be a part of collectively leading innovation at a regional level and believes that working together is critical to achieving real results.

“This Advisory Committee is about bringing together regional leaders from all aspects of our local community, so that we can collaboratively set priorities to continue to grow as a sustainable, productive and profitable region,” says Mr Mouland.

“Where innovation comes in is being able to identify funding and other opportunities that haven’t before been considered and providing collective support to turn these opportunities into outcomes for the benefit of our entire community.”

Mr Mouland says this cross-sectional leadership approach is the most effective way to get things done that matter to the people of the Central Coast.

“By bringing together our regional leaders from all walks of life, we can achieve real results and prove this isn’t just another ‘talk fest,’” adds Mr Mouland.

“I commend the Greater Cities Commission in coordinating this cooperative approach and I look forward to helping bring to life tangible solutions that really matter to everyone who lives and works on the Coast.”

The Central Coast is one of four innovation districts identified by the Greater Cities Commission that have the best potential to accelerate economic recovery and growth for the broader Six Cities Region. It sits alongside Tech Central (near the Sydney CBD), the Westmead Health and Innovation District and Macquarie Park.

Members of the Central Coast Innovation District Leadership Advisory Group include:

  • University of Newcastle
  • Central Coast Research Institute
  • Darkinjung Land Council
  • Central Coast Council
  • Business NSW
  • Regional Development Australia Central Coast
  • Central Coast Industry Connect
  • Central Coast Local Health District
  • Greater Cities Commission

The Group will meet again in the coming months.